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411 University St, Seattle


“If your mother asks you to go and bring dhaniya (coriander) from the market in the middle of a meeting then you go and bring dhaniya (coriander) from the market.”

Decision Point’s Coffee Table is our all new podcast series in which we do candid coffee table conversations with the leadership team and employees of Decision Point. 

The above dialogue is said by Ravi Shankar, Founder & CEO of Decision Point, in the first chapter of the series which is around “Life-Work Balance” where he shares his views and important tips on how to maintain a healthy ‘Life-Work Balance’.

You must have heard of Work-Life Balance and might be confused with the completely altered topic Life-Work Balance… right? The podcast actually started with Work-Life Balance only but at the start of the podcast, Ravi corrected us and explained how earlier we used to work in offices, travel, struggle to take out time for family and we had to find life amidst all this. Hence it used to be a Work-Life Balance but now when we are all working from home, we have a life at home and we are finding ways to accommodate work in that routine. Hence this makes it Life-Work Balance more than Work-Life Balance.

Interesting… right? And this is just the initial one minute conversation of the podcast. Think what all he would have covered in the whole podcast? But, why should you wonder when you can actually watch this short yet insightful conversation and look at the new perspective of Life-Work Balance.

Tune in now to this healthy and sound talk with the CEO from Decision Point’s Coffee Table.

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