Over 10 years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Maxbizz is a values-driven consulting agency dedicated.




411 University St, Seattle


World’s largest beverage company wanted to develop a holistic commercial strategy for a country in the Central Asian Market and identify opportunities of quick wins at the store level.
01. Business Challenge

A global beverage company was facing a predicament with its businesses and was witnessing a sign of slowing growth on the horizon. Moreover, the client wanted an approach that could help them utilize the existing data sources and assess short-term quick wins opportunities from the store-level data.

02. Approach

To develop a robust approach for navigating this market, Decision Point’s customer experts and data experts went under a series of discussions to understand the business objective and data. Therefore, Decision Point’s experts outlined a 3-step process.

03. Impact

The Decision Point expert team provided the client with a platform that would offer recommendations aligned with the goal of driving differential regional pricing and identifying opportunities to launch packs across different categories. It will also share insights from growth-based customer segmentations that can be used to make targeted interventions.

Key Highlights