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  • Promotional Analytics solution

    The Promotion Analytical Solution enables users to analyze historical data about promotions and measure efficiency in terms of investment, volume uplift, ROI, and coverage. The solution would

    • Make use of a robust product-promotion level multi-modeling approach for baseline estimation to accurately estimate lift and ROI
    • Connect to a one-stop dashboard for continuous tracking of performance
    • Estimate the Baseline of SKUs during the Promotion period by using multiple models and variables.
Connecting the data to Promotional Analytics:
  • Create a Directory(Folder) in the Azure Blob container with name “Promo Performance”.
  • Upload your data in the above Directory(Folder).
  • When you install the App, it will be asking to connect to data and it will be directing to Azure
  • Blob storage link or Account name.
  • Provide the URL or Account name of Azure Blob Storage and press OK.
  • After Providing URL, you can choose the Authentication method like Key, Shared Access
  • Signature (SAS).