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“When you start enjoying your breakfast, lunch, or dinner more than your work; it’s time to rethink and start doing what you love.”

The above dialogue is said by Rajesh Gupta, Co-founder & President of Decision Point, in the second chapter of the series- “From Decision Point’s Coffee Table”, where he shares his personal story and important tips on ‘Overcoming the Odds’.

You must have heard of how people overcome the odds in their life to achieve something they have been working hard for over the years. A similar motivating story is put forward by the President of Decision Point, Rajesh Gupta, on how he fought through the challenges of life to come where he is right now while inspiring others.

Yes, everyone has a different story, a different goal, and different odds to overcome. But we can surely learn from someone else’s journey to help ourselves grow faster in life. In the video, Rajesh talks about tips and tricks to overcome the odds and most importantly, how to identify the odds and work on them.  

Tune in now to this interesting and insightful conversation From Decision Point’s Coffee Table.

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